Are you using the most powerful new business tool to spread your message?

No, it’s not one of those shiny objects, no it’s not sending out content and waiting forever for a conversion. It’s ‘speaking in front of the right audience.’

I believe speaking is the most powerful way – whether you’re speaking on stage, at an event or even online through a webinar or video conference – to influence your prime prospects with your message.

I’ve been speaking for over 25 years and can tell you there’s no other medium or platform that has the potential to reach an audience with ideal prospects – all at one time, all with a single event. And the conversion rates are much better and the sales cycle much faster.

Imagine, giving a powerful message to your prime prospects in the audience, then offering them a valuable gift that converts to a meeting.

At some speaking events where I’ve given a marketing or new business workshop, the conversion rate to receive a gift of value is as high as 80%, and those then further convert to 30%. That’s 30% of people who want to meet with you and dig deeper into how you can solve their problems and increase their revenues. Those are unheard of conversions that lead to new clients.

I’ve observed there’s a reluctancy for agency owners to take advantage of this huge opportunity – a hesitancy to speak in front of an audience, either offline or on stage.

For those who can overcome this challenge, you’ll find the rewards are great, and the sales cycle is fast.

Speaking is the most effective way to get your message out and get new business, whether there are 125 qualified prospects in your audience or just 15.

Speaking is also a great way to differentiate yourself and your agency from your competition by giving you instant credibility. In fact, on the ‘thought leadership food chain’, speaking and authorship rank tied for top perceived credibility. Look at the speeches you’ve attended. When the speakers have resonated with you, you want to meet and talk to them – the power of human interaction. You want to dig deeper and ask them questions. 

With a 45-minute speech, on stage or online, you can:

  • Deliver a powerful message to qualified prospects
  • Anticipate much higher conversion rates than other methods
  • Give out a powerful reminder gift
  • Develop a contact list
  • Shift thinking, inform and teach, solve a problem for your ideal prospects

If your agency isn’t growing at the rate you’d like it to be, then take your contact mailing list and start an online event. Structure a targeted talk that solves your audience’s problem. Do it on a monthly basis and then watch, not only your audience grow, but your leads, conversions and then your business. But be prepared; this is a sales cycle that is faster than what you’re probably used to.  Go for it, because you only rock once.

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