A Million Dollar Question for Agency Owners: 'What Are You Tolerating?' Share on X

What are you tolerating? This was my question put to a group of successful ad agency owners in CEO Stars. It’s my belief, and apparently shared by other agency owners that we shouldn’t be tolerating anything.

We shouldn’t be putting up with ‘friction’ that causes our agencies to operate at anything less than maximum speed and profitability. The agency business is just too fragile. Unfortunately, a lot of toleration goes on with a blind eye … but until it is asked directly in a point-blank question, does the realization that toleration does occur, more than one would imagine.

Toleration needs to be addressed in any business before it becomes a disease and prevents you, as the ‘captain of your ship’ to stray off-course into agency mediocrity and prevent you from fulfilling the dreams you had when you first opened your shop.

‘What are you tolerating’ is a great question to pose to your clients and prospects.

‘What are you tolerating’ is a great question to pose to your clients and prospects. It opens the door for great conversations and observations that enables you to take them on a journey of what it would be like to operate in a fast-forward mode.

Removing toleration and friction from your agency business opens the door to endless opportunities. And freeing your prospects and clients from all that they tolerate, puts you in a leadership position to increase their business in all channels.

Start the conversation and listen to the answers: “What are you tolerating in your business?”

Here’s a tip: To get where you want to go, as an owner, you shouldn’t be tolerating anything!
