Memo to Ad Agency CEOs: Watch with envy!

As we approach the Big Game, we’ll soon be seeing a new array of some of the best commercials ever made.

Some are effective, some aren’t. Some funny, some not; some on target, others not. Nevertheless, they make for a whole lot of talking.

And who does that talking? Well, don’t be surprised if you see some of our CEO Stars ad agency members leading the conversation on your city’s network affiliates.

And please don’t sit there wishing that was you. You have the same opportunity – except nobody’s pushed you to do it.

It’s thrilling to see several agency CEO Stars’ leaders becoming the ‘go-to-person’ to analyze and comment on the ‘Super Bowl’ commercials on TV. That thought leadership and exposure gives them an incredible advantage in their marketplace and a perception of being the best at their craft.

For several agency leaders, this has led them to being interviewed at several times of the year on various marketing and digital trends. For example, it’s not surprising to see one of the CEO Stars members on (among others) the Philadelphia or Orlando network affiliates. The same happens in various markets, big and small.

TV stations are always looking for new faces and new opinions and trends about our fascinating business.

  • So, what about you? I’ll be recommending this ‘get famous’ approach again to our 20 new CEO Stars agency members and … I’m also suggesting it to you – ‘my LinkedIn connections.’

We’re approaching the time when TV stations (and other media) are looking for new faces (yours) to offer their expert commentary (yours) on the Super Bowl commercials.

Call your local TV stations (or other media) and speak to the feature’s editor, laying out the benefits of participating on a segment discussion about the new commercials featured in the Super Bowl.

Want to take on a leadership role in your marketplace? Now’s the best time to do it – when media is most receptive to you. 

Here’s the number one reason why you should do this now is: If you don’t do it, someone else will … and there’s a good chance that someone else will be one of your agency CEO competitors, soaking up all the glory and exposure. So, it may as well be YOU!


The number one reason why you should do this now: If you don't do it, someone else will ... and there's a good chance that someone else will be one of your agency CEO competitors soaking up all the glory and exposure. Share on X